Thursday, November 4, 2010


Jillian talking to baby      Trying to feed baby
Brandon in Denise's         Brandon something
tummy..."Are you             that she cooked and
hungry, baby?"                  put in her pot:)

That very night, Denise went into labor and
was taken to Charlottesville, Va hospital to
try to stop labor. She was only 6mo. pregnant
and baby Brandon would most likely not
survive. She was in the University of Va.
hospital for 3 weeks when labor started again
and Brandon was born that night and was
a tiny 3 lbs. 5oz. Was in the NICU for 6 weeks.
He came home with wires and a heart monitor.
That first year was a difficult one for Denise and
the family. None of us wanted to babysit him
because he would stop breathing and his heart
monitor would sound the alarm and scare us
half to death. We had to jiggle him and he would
start breathing again. Denise didn't go away very
often, but when she did, it was GG who babysat.
I don't think she slept at all on the nights that she
had him...just stayed up all night to make sure he
was breathing. What a wonderful woman!

I will search for photos of baby Brandon when he
was a newborn and scan them onto here.
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  1. adorable pictures Wanda! And what a scary story about the baby. I can't even imagine what a difficult time it must have been for everyone.

  2. Ditto what Lynne said! I'll just add----look at that boy now!!!

  3. That is a wonderful story of determination and love:) Thanks for sharing.

  4. I was wondering when you spoke of things could have turned badly. Now I know..Thank GOD everything turned out..what an enduring time for that period in all of your lives. Well Brandon has made up for that 3 lb weight hasn't he. lol He is great on trips--won't for the Conowingo one where we almost painted his face up when he conked out.

  5. Dana, yes, God did have a BIG hand in making this story turn out beautifully...but...
    This is BRANDON, my oldest Grandson. DUSTIN was the one who went with us to Conowingo:)
    Dustin and Jillian are brother and sister.
